General Services

General Service of air conditioner is needed to keep your air conditioner equipment working in its best condition.
(Prevention is better than cure)

General Service included:-

  • Clean & check air filters, front panel, & cover
  • Check of bio-pure / deodorizing filter
  • Clean & check indoor drainage tray
  • Vacuuming of drainage system
  • Brush & check outdoor condenser coil
  • Tightening of electrical contacts
  • Check compressor suction and discharge pressure
  • Check fan bearing and lubricate (if necessary)

Key Benefits

  1. Cleaner air to breathe in
  2. Save on energy costs
  3. Pro-long the life span of the equipment
  4. Prevent water dripping and condensation problems
  5. Detection of any abnormal function



  • 清洗空气滤器
  • 清洗蒸发线圈器
  • 清洗冷凝线圈器
  • 冲洗水管
  • 润滑零件
  • 测试运行系统


  • 让空气清晰
  • 解决漏水的问题
  • 解决噪音的问题
  • 延长冷气机使用的寿命